BVA Relationships Affiliate Disclosure

Welcome to the BVA Relationships Affiliate Disclosure. I want you to know right away what our affiliate policy is. This affiliate disclosure policy is valid from February 27, 2022.

I write and edit all content that appears on this website. For questions about this website or policy, please contact us.

***Disclosure: This post and our website contain affiliate links. I will be compensated if you make use of one of the links. Please see the BVA Relationships Affiliate Disclosure.***

What Is an Affiliate?

According to, “An affiliate is someone who promotes a product or service to potential customers, in exchange for a commission on the sale when one occurs.” Therefore, if you click on one of the affiliate links, I will receive compensation if you click on the link and purchase the product or service. The advertisers that BVA Relationships works with use a percentage or a specific dollar amount. Currently, below are the companies we are affiliated with.


Welcome to our newest advertisers!







This Affiliate Disclosure has been provided for your protection and to fully disclose any relationship between this site’s product or service recommendations and the owners of these product(s) or services. I am required by the FTC to inform you that a relationship exists between BVA Relationships and some of the products or services it reviews, recommends or promotes. For example, there are 4 guiding principles that need to be followed with full disclosure.

Specifically, the full disclosure needs to be clear and conspicuous. Consequently, you should know that BVA Relationships is practicing full disclosure. In addition, there are generally four guiding principles that we use as put out by the FTC:

• Prominence. You need to be able to read the disclosure easily?
• Presentation. Again, the content needs to be clear and understandable.
• Placement. Geography matters. Is the disclosure where consumers are likely to look?
• Proximity. Any affiliate links should be close to the disclosure.

I would like to ask you, the reader, to contact me if we are not following these principles.


Meanwhile, Borlok Virtual Assistants LLC nor its subsidiaries do not participate in email marketing. Please let us know if we are not following CAN-SPAM requirements pertaining to affiliate marketing.

Borlok Virtual Assistants LLC
5350 W Bell Road
Suite C-122 #339
Glendale, AZ 85308

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